Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So today was supposed to be a really productive day....
but it may have been everything but that...
grant it {is that how you type that?} its not over yet
but stilll, i was supposed to go to the
library and practice for a stupid sales role play thing, that
quiet honestly i just don't understand how i am supposed to
practice a conversation when i have NO ONE to converse
with.. anyways instead i decided to clean my room and
pay one bill and stare at the fridge for an hour hoping
some food would magically appear.. but i guess i didnt want
it enough no food ever showed up. i also decided i was goin
to blog because as you can see i have not done so since before
my birthday!! i used to be such a good blogger what happened to me?
well i am putting an end to this nonsense and the blogging is going to
be hap hap happening! why? not because i think anyone really ever
reads these but i do believe its a healthy way to let out your inner
thoughts and its fun to go back and read these sorts of things
on later dates :] Oh and its a great activity to do when you dont want to
do what you should be doing.... for example go to the library!
bahh 2 and 1/2 more weeks of school, always the hardest time of the
year! welp imma go stare at the fridge some more.. but this time i have
my fancy new frames that came in the mail today!
maybe they will do the trick and if one pair doesnt work..
well i got 3 new pairs to try!! yup thanks 8]
ciao for now kids